Category: 2024 Chorale Workshop

Festival Fun!

Written by: Emily Maple Wednesday was a very exciting day for the Chorale! We got the chance to make memories and have experiences that will last a lifetime. This was all thanks to the staff and their incredible ability to put on an entertaining evening program for us.  The day started out as usual, with a lovely breakfast. We then… Read more →

Whoaaa…We’re (over) Halfway There

Written by: Mattie Kiser Tuesday the 16th, marks the mid-way point for our 2024 Summer Workshop! We experienced some wonderful things, like seminars, enriching rehearsals, and an interactive and fun performance for our evening concert series.  Our singers awoke bright and early for breakfast with their opus, and to prepare for our first rehearsal of the day. The singers began… Read more →

Cardinals’ Declassified

Written by: Drew Thomas The Cardinal Chorale had another thrilling of rehearsing, eating and fellowship yesterday. Our breakfast was a Chorale favorite: pancakes, sausage, fruit and TATER TOTS. After our morning fuel, we made the hike up Walter hill for our morning rehearsal. Sarah Heading, who is a Chorale alumna and current staff member, led a beautiful set of warm-ups.… Read more →

Josh Flies Away

Written by: Emily Maple Another wonderful day in the books! The Chorale woke up bright and early for another day of enhancing their musical abilities. We always strive to look at the glass “half full” so we can see what we can make of the day, not dwell on what has not gone our way. A lot of our days… Read more →

Welcome Home

Written by: Mattie Kiser At noon yesterday, the members of the 29th Edition of the Cardinal Chorale gathered for the first time for their annual summer workshop. The singers met at Muskingum University in New Concord to begin their week-long journey into learning a fresh repertoire for the 2024 season. This year’s program is titled “Hand In Hand” and it… Read more →

Home Is Where We Are Hand in Hand

Written by: Elle Mitsch The Cardinal Chorale is home to many singers all across Ohio. Every year these singers come together to make beautiful music, and we are just days away from the 2024 Workshop! Below are some singer testimonials on why they love the Chorale and Workshop experience. Dakota Kealiher, a fifth-year chorale member, said “it’s my family and… Read more →