Written by: Emily Maple
Wednesday was a very exciting day for the Chorale! We got the chance to make memories and have experiences that will last a lifetime. This was all thanks to the staff and their incredible ability to put on an entertaining evening program for us.
The day started out as usual, with a lovely breakfast. We then rehearsed with our sections and as a group. A little while later, after our full group rehearsal, the staff put on another one of their many hilarious skits for us. It started out as a “handbook part 2 quiz” but after a few questions the staff revealed that they had put on a JAMBOREE for us!

The Cardinal Jamboree, had yard games, crafts, card games, food, and even musical chairs! Games like ring toss and the fish bowl game (minus actual goldfish of course) were played. Chorale members could make bracelets, little paintings, and even take polaroid photos at the crafting table.
The Chorale really enjoyed this new experience. In the end, that’s what the Cardinal Chorale is all about: bonding over new experiences with others. The week has been absolutely awesome so far! 🙂