Home Is Where We Are Hand in Hand

Written by: Elle Mitsch

The Cardinal Chorale is home to many singers all across Ohio. Every year these singers come together to make beautiful music, and we are just days away from the 2024 Workshop! Below are some singer testimonials on why they love the Chorale and Workshop experience.

Dakota Kealiher, a fifth-year chorale member, said “it’s my family and heart.”

He also talked about how Mr. Snyder is his favorite staff member because he has been there for him as long as I can remember. “He has the biggest heart in the world,” said Kealiher.

Grace Cullison a second-year member said she’s in the chorale because she grew up singing in Mr. Synder’s various choirs in Coshocton (The Coshocton Singers and Coshocton Youth Chorale).

“I have always loved and respected Mr. Snyder as a director and teacher and I loved the time I got to spend weekly learning from him in these choirs,” said Cullison.

“Two years later I have only one regret pertaining to the chorale and it is that I didn’t join sooner. This group has been such a blessing to me and I am so grateful that musical people my age have this opportunity to grow musically and emotionally together,” said Cullison.

She wanted to be in the Cardinal Chorale from the first moment she heard about it, but was not old enough at the time to audition. As she got older she became more involved in summer theater productions that often conflicted with the Chorale workshop. Cullison auditioned for the Chorale in 2022.

Teigue Hardesty, a third-year Chorale member, said “The Chorale has some of the most fun I’ve had and everyone is constantly so welcoming.”

When asked what their favorite memories are, singers will of course mention the music making and rehearsals, but most memories are often shared over meals or the other fun things that happen at workshop such as our “The Voice: NOT” talent show and guest performers.

Now that you’ve learned about the many wonderful aspects of the Chorale, we encourage you to come see us in concert on July 20th at 2 p.m. at Muskingum University!

Be sure to follow us during our 2024 Workshop journey on social media… we have Facebook and Instagram.