Forty singers for the brand new 25th edition of the Cardinal Chorale arrived today as a big bundle of nerves and excitement. There were many joyous reunions between old friends, as well as greetings of welcome for the singers new to the Workshop experience. Once everyone was checked in and moved into their rooms for the week, the new Chorale jumped into their very first rehearsal together. The group already seemed to sound great together, so everyone is already eager to hear what we will sound like at the end of the week.

After saying goodbye to family and making sure everyone was familiar with the campus and our general schedule for each day, the singers split up into their voice parts to do voice checks. This process makes sure that everyone was placed on a voice part that is comfortable for them to sing. The next hour consisted of more rehearsal and some explaining of general guidelines for the Chorale.
Next came what we were all waiting for: dinner! We sat with others from our own grade and ate a delicious meal in Muskingum’s beautifully-renovated dining hall. We even gave our first performance – a special Chorale rendition of Happy Birthday for one of the fabulous kitchen staff.

Back in the music building, it was time for even more rehearsal. The Chorale has already been working very hard this first day to try and establish the sound that will this new edition. After about three more hours of rehearsing and various water breaks, everyone was very glad to be able to have a snack with their opus, or small group.
After meeting our opera, the group gathered together for their first Chorale Circle as this fresh, new group. This time together is when we are able to share our joys from the day as well as hopes for the days to follow. Tonight, many people expressed how happy they are to be here, whether they are here for the first time or are a returning member. So far, it seems evident that this season for the Chorale is going to be a special one!