The effects of the storm continued through the night, and we learned the next morning that nearly120,000 Ohioans were without power. As we gathered in the church hall, we were glad to havefully-functional running water and electricity, but soon discovered that the coach was not starting.In an example of the amazing flexibility and “can-do” spirit of the Chorale, we set… Read more →
Monday, June 13, 2022
After reuniting the next morning and hearing some wise words from our host Samantha, we boardedfor the next leg of the trip to Portsmouth, OH. We stopped at a travel plaza in Chillicothe for aplanned break to the “necessary rooms,” and some of our members engaged in a deep discussion(thanks to staff member Josh Senn) about foot traffic on the… Read more →
Sunday, June 12, 2022
Hitting the road from Marion, we arrived at the quaint Amlin United Methodist Church near Dublin,lending our music to their Sunday morning worship. Pastor Steve Putka – father of Chorale alumniChad, Grace, and Sam – gave a stirring sermon on what it means to be a minister: be open to yourgift, and use it! Within a few minutes after the… Read more →
Saturday, June 11, 2022
After breakfast with our host families, we returned to The Presbyterian Church for a chance tocontinue our preparation, taking the time to also talk about the expectations of the tour. Manymembers were taking their very first trip with the Cardinal Chorale, so it was good to hear a bitabout what was to come! Following a delicious lunch of chili mac… Read more →
Friday, June 10, 2022
What a joy to be reunited for more music making! Even after being apart for four or five months,everyone sounded amazing together–almost like there hadn’t been any time away at all. Mr. Snyderdid a great job breaking the Coshocton rehearsal day into manageable chunks, some blocks with thefull ensemble, and some with our soprano-alto and tenor-bass sections. In between, we… Read more →
Together Wherever We Go
The final day of workshop is simultaneously the best and the worst day of the week. On one hand, we finally get to showcase the results of all the hard work we have put in during our short time together, but on the other hand, it means we have to say a painful “see ‘ya later” to some of our… Read more →
In the Wee Small Hours We Have Left
Thursday and Friday are over? Is this possible?? Only 8 hours of Chorale left??? To say this has been a great week is a very, very short summary of the time we’ve had together. The last several days have been filled from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and we could not be more grateful for the experiences we’ve been given.… Read more →
Sixteen Tons of Rehearsing
We are officially past the halfway point of our time together on Muskingum’s beautiful campus, and our hard work is really beginning to pay off! The classic sound of the Cardinal Chorale rings through the air as we start to work on the technical details in the music, moving beyond the realm of just singing the notes on the page.… Read more →
On Our Way!
The past couple of days have been a whirlwind here at the 26th Chorale workshop. It’s hard to believe that we are now officially halfway through the workshop! We start with sectional rehearsal in the morning and then come together for a full rehearsal afterward. It is always such a treat to become one choir after sectionals and seeing what… Read more →
Music in the Air (Finally!)
At last, the first full day of the 2021 Cardinal Chorale Workshop has arrived! Eager to begin the Sunday, some members of the group woke up a little extra early to partake in one of the Morning Mindset activities put on by the staff — running with Josh Senn, devotions with Erin Jobes, or disk golf with Steve Snyder. While… Read more →